Nataliia Chernysh


  • Dr. Nataliia Chernysh is a highly qualified dentist with 10 years of practice who specializes in preserved dentistry, ranging from the creation of photocomposite aesthetic fillings, root canal treatment, to tooth reconstruction using ceramic crowns and different prosthodontic works. 

  • She began her professional career by graduating from UMSA in 2012 with a Doctor of Dentistry degree.

  • She participated in the State Retraining Program for foreign doctors in the Czech Republic. 

  • She obtained a certificate in dentistry.

  • She is a member of the Czech Chamber of Dentistry. 

  • She has the skills of working with binoculars, which allows her to do precise and very detailed procedures.

  • She has participated in different courses, through which she has acquired skills in endodontics, implantology, prosthodontics and other spheres of dentistry.


Book your appointment

If you are looking for quality dental care, do not hesitate to contact us and make an appointment for a consultation. We look forward to meeting you and helping you achieve a healthy and beautiful smile!

Opening Hours

Monday – Friday




Book your appointment

Are you looking for a quality dental care? Visit our clinic at Jablonecká 712 in Prague. Our experienced and friendly dentists will provide you with the best care for your teeth.

Opening Hours

Monday – Friday



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Jablonecká 712, 190 00 Praha 9 – Prosek