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Contrary to common belief, it is possible to effectively straighten teeth and correct a bite at any age. Adult patients often undergo orthodontic treatment as a preparatory phase before implantation and prosthesis. After careful planning with the implantologist and orthopaedist, the orthodontist will shift the teeth so that they are optimally positioned – creating the conditions for the fitting of implants and crowns.

Orthodontic treatment of adult patients is performed using a system of braces or a series of sequential aligners. The same devices are recommended for adolescents after all baby teeth are replaced by permanent teeth at the age of 12–13 years.

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Why straighten your teeth?

There are more reasons for orthodontic treatment than you may think:

  • Due to the close position of the teeth, it is more difficult for a person to clean them from food residues and plaque, which gradually leads to the deterioration of enamel and the development of dental caries.
  • Tight teeth and plaque in hard-to-reach places cause gum problems, inflammation and recession (shift of the gum tissue).
  • Significant bite pathology has a negative effect on facial attractiveness and symmetry.
  • Disrupted clenching of the teeth leads to changes in the temporomandibular joint, which is manifested by pain in the ear area, clicking, cracking and even headaches.
  • After removal, the adjacent teeth start to shift together, eventually becoming a real obstacle on the way to implants and prosthetics after a few years.
  • An incorrect bite causes posture problems and back pain.

How orthodontic treatment works

  • Stage 1 – consultation
    During a personal consultation, the orthodontist talks to the patient and finds out the reason for the visit. It is important to conduct a careful examination of all the teeth and their proportions, analyse facial aesthetics and profile.
  • Stage 2 – diagnosis and planning
    The main stage of orthodontic treatment is planning. The orthodontist must have a clear idea of the end result of the treatment. For this purpose, facial features are analysed from photographs. It is equally important to assess the condition of the roots of the teeth and the bone tissue around them from an X-ray – after all, the roots move with the teeth.
    At this stage, a decision is made about the need to remove some teeth, replace fillings or treat root canals.
    Just as important is the choice of the instrument used to position the teeth: the specific system of braces (ligatures, self-ligating), aligners (their number), whether additional devices are needed (fixed dilators, mini-implants).
  • Stage 3 – device fitting
    Before fixing orthodontic devices, it is necessary to perform professional oral hygiene and remove all plaque and tartar. The actual application of the braces takes 1.5–2 hours and is completely painless. The teeth may be sensitive for the first few days after fixation – this is normal. The teeth are already beginning to move, although it is still imperceptible.
  • Stage 4 – activation and adjustment
    Once every month or month and a half, the patient has a scheduled appointment for a check-up and adjustment of the active elements.
  • Stage 5 – device removal
    The most pleasant stage of treatment for any orthodontic patient. Depending on the complexity of the clinical case, the teeth straightening process can take 1 to 2 years, but sometimes even longer.
  • Stage 6 – retention
    However, straightening the teeth is not enough – it is necessary to maintain and fix the result. For this purpose, the dental specialist will fit a retention system immediately after removing the braces.
    After braces are removed, the last step on the path to a Hollywood smile can be whitening (if you want your teeth to be not only straight but also snow white) or fitting veneers to correct the natural, sometimes less-than-ideal shape of your teeth.

Orthodontics for children and adults in Prague

Before you start choosing an orthodontist, it’s important to remember that you won’t be seeing this specialist for just days, but for months and years. That’s why it’s necessary to find “your” kind of an orthodontist. A trustworthy relationship with your dental specialist will help you follow their recommendations responsibly and you’ll be happy to come in for your monthly adjustment.


Book your appointment

If you are looking for quality dental care, do not hesitate to contact us and make an appointment for a consultation. We look forward to meeting you and helping you achieve a healthy and beautiful smile!

Opening Hours

Monday – Friday




Book your appointment

Are you looking for a quality dental care? Visit our clinic at Jablonecká 712 in Prague. Our experienced and friendly dentists will provide you with the best care for your teeth.

Opening Hours

Monday – Friday



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