Teeth Whitening

Our Services


Every day, our teeth are constantly exposed to artificial and natural colourings from food and drink, medicines and tobacco. Whitening can not only restore the natural colour of tooth enamel, but also brighten it by 8–12 shades.

Bělení Opalescence

Bělení Zoom

Domácí Bělení

ZOOM whitening stages

  • Initial consultation. The dentist will acquaint you with the procedure. It is advisable to apply a protective gel for a few days before the procedure.
  • Application of a special gel to reduce tooth sensitivity.
  • Inserting a special retractor into the oral cavity to protect and separate the lips. Isolation of all oral mucous membranes.
  • The gel is applied to the teeth 4 times, with each session lasting 15 minutes, making a total of 60 minutes for the entire procedure.
  • Fluoridation is performed after the whitening procedure, which strengthens the teeth and reduces their sensitivity.

Recommendations after the ZOOM whitening procedure

  • During the first 48 hours: it is necessary to strictly follow the “white diet”. This means giving up colouring products: drinks, fruits and vegetables with bright pigment and colouring sauces (ketchup, mustard, soy, etc.). In the future, you should limit the use of such foods or try to find a way to brush your teeth after every meal.
  • After whitening: it is necessary to maintain thorough oral hygiene. Use a good quality brush, paste and rinse. Hygiene procedures should be performed after each meal, at least 2 times a day.
  • It is essential to have the teeth cleaned regularly by a professional, as this not only helps to keep your teeth whiter for longer, but also maintains their health thanks to the early detection of caries.
  • Important: All of the above is extremely important to maintain and preserve the effect of the ZOOM teeth whitening procedure. This will help you maintain the whitening result for a long time.


Book your appointment

If you are looking for quality dental care, do not hesitate to contact us and make an appointment for a consultation. We look forward to meeting you and helping you achieve a healthy and beautiful smile!

Opening Hours

Monday – Friday




Book your appointment

Are you looking for a quality dental care? Visit our clinic at Jablonecká 712 in Prague. Our experienced and friendly dentists will provide you with the best care for your teeth.

Opening Hours

Monday – Friday

