Dentists recommend a professional oral hygiene treatment twice a year. Dental plaque is one of the causes of gum disease and subsequent tooth loss. These are 90% composed of microbes that secrete acids during their lifetime, which leads to caries.
Professional oral hygiene at the Smile Time dental clinic is a comprehensive range of cleaning procedures aimed at removing hard and soft plaque and brushing and polishing teeth with special pastes. Professional hygiene is performed by a periodontist. Depending on your clinical picture, professional hygiene may include ultrasonic cleaning or abrasive cleaning with air and water.
Pokud hledáte kvalitní zubní péči, neváhejte nás kontaktovat a objednat se na konzultaci. Těšíme se na setkání s vámi a pomoci vám získat zdravý a krásný úsměv!
Potřebujete kvalitní zubní péči? Navštivte naši ordinaci na adrese Jablonecká 712 v Praze. Naše zkušené a přátelské zubaře vám poskytnou nejlepší péči pro vaše zuby.
Jablonecká 712, 190 00 Praha 9 – Prosek
Jablonecká 712, 190 00 Praha 9 – Prosek